Thursday, January 5, 2012

National Day of Prayer

Originally posted 5-4-11.

I don't know about you, but sometimes I go through a "prayer desert".  Do you know what I mean?  Sometimes I feel really connected to God and prayer and praise just flows...other times, not so much.  It's during those "desert" times that I feel like it is an effort to pray...and I know that it doesn't ever have to be that way.  I know that prayer is just talking with God, and that He is my Abba Daddy...  I am reminded that the easiest way to start praying is to never stop. Pray without ceasing.  I Thessalonians 5:17  But just in case you have come to that desert place, for me, I have found the best way to start praying is with thanking and praising God for all the wonderful things He has created and provided for us.  God wants to hear our requests, too, but I sometimes get too caught up in that that I don't give Him the heartfelt adoration for how very faithful He has been to me, my family and our country.

Tomorrow, May 5, is the observance of the National Day of Prayer.

The National Day of Prayer has great significance for us as a nation. It enables us to recall and to teach the way in which our founding fathers sought the wisdom of God when faced with critical decisions. It stands as a call to us to humbly come before God, seeking His guidance for our leaders and His grace upon us as a people.

The National Day of Prayer belongs to all Americans. It is a day that transcends differences, bringing together citizens from all backgrounds. Mrs. Shirley Dobson, NDP chairman, reminds us: “We have lost many of our freedoms in America because we have been asleep. I feel if we do not become involved and support the annual National Day of Prayer, we could end up forfeiting this freedom, too.”  (
Live in Victory,  Lynette

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