Friday, January 6, 2012

Documentary: Farmageddon

Originally posted 6-2-11.

I’m excited to have Kristin Canty to tell us how we can help spread the word about her movie, Farmageddon!  If we can help to spread the word about this film, we will bring awareness to the nightmare that some of our beloved farmers are going through.  This affects all of us, because if our farmers keep getting stomped on and stomped out, finding Real Food for our families will become impossible!
Here’s Kristin…
I decided to make the documentary when I found out about government raids on farms that have occurred around the country, and I wanted people to know about it and become as outraged as I was.  Of course, my hope is that people watch the movie, get involved, and tell others to watch the movie and get involved.
Ultimately, I would love for public pressure to be so strong that we would all be able to gain back our food freedoms, and the ability to obtain the foods of our choice from farmers of our choice. 
I can’t do that alone.  I am assuming that since you are readers of Kelly’s blog, you love your raw milk, pastured animal products and unsprayed vegetables as much as I do, and are willing to fight for your rights to keep consuming them.
I hope that you go see the movie, plan a screening, attend a screening, and then tell others about it so they do the same.
Watch the trailer:

Telling others you liked the movie, by word of mouth and around the internet to your friends, is the most powerful way to find the people who would like to see this film.  Facebook, twitter, blogs, emails, these are all ways that you can spread the word!  If you know of a small, local theater in your town that likes to show films like this, contact me:
Here are the screenings that are planned so far:
  • Washington DC:  June 17th to the 23rd  West End Theater M Street
  • Santa Barbara, CA:  June 23rd  Santa Barbara Community Center
  • Los Angeles, CA:  June 24th to 30th  Monica 4plex Santa Monica
  • San Diego, CA:  June 27th  Central Catholic High School
  • Chico, CA:  June 29th  theater TBD
  • Atlanta, GA:  June 2nd
  • New York City:  July 8th to 14th   Cinema Village  Union Square
For more details, check the website or feel free to contact me.   Together, we can make these raids on our small farms and co-ops a thing of the past!
Thanks Kristin!!
Also, special thanks to Kelly the Kitchen Kop for this info!

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